I can't stay silent any longer.
Money spent on my collection wasted.
Getting up early on a saturday morning in vain.
With each movie I get my hopes up that maybe, just maybe they'll get this one right.
Maybe this time the characters will be like they should,
this time the comic-based storyline will be as I remember it.
So many nights wasted with a flashlight under my sheets when I should have been sleeping.
Why do I give my trust so blindly, and why does Stan Lee keep disappointing me?!
Just to recap,
1st movie
Jean too old, or Scott too young...atleast they got the annoying thing down.
Rogue has not a stitch of a southern accent, and she's a student.
Bobby who should be one of the ORIGINAL x-men is a student...a student?!
Halle, I love you girl, but you so ain't storm.
They atleast got prof Xavier right, and Wolverine wasn't too bad so let's give them a chance
2nd movie
Definately better than the first, things starting to look up.
It still not Xmen but you can see where them trying.
Rogue still ain't Rogue, and Storm still look like she sporting a dancehall wig but I'll continue to give them a chance
3rd movie
Who the hell suggested giving them a chance?!
Where do I begin...
on a positive note, the fight scenes were good and they changed Storm's go-go wig.
Now to the meat of the matter...
What the $%#@
so Jean returns as the Phoenix, who is not the guardian of the crystal ( as us comic/ cartoon people know her) but a split personality created when Xavier tried to control Jean's powers in her childhood.
They killed Scott in the first quarter of the movie... he didn't even get to put up a fight.
They introduced Juggernaut, but him and prof X just pass each other like strangers in the night (hello?! brothers)
Did I mention that they kill Xavier before intermission? oops, did I let that spill?
They introduced Archangel but don't ask me why.
They "cured" mystique before any of the real action started, not to mention Rogue so I don't know what Anna Paquin got paid for.
you catch a glimpse of psylocke near the ending but don't ask me her role.
Speaking of the ending, Magneto gets "cured"; and even though they throwing around these syringes with the mutant antibodies like is free water in the middle of rainy season, Wolverine kills Jean/Phoenix instead of just curing her. Go figure.
So if you keeping score of the major characters
3 get dead, and 3 get cured.
There were other complaints but those were the major ones that have been bugging me since Tuesday (and before for the others), and to think I had such high hopes for this movie.
Truth be told, if they just change the name of the movie I'ld be fine cause it was pretty decent as a movie, it just wasn't Xmen. hmm...superhumans, mutants unite, aneuploidy,... something, anything other than Xmen.
Feel bad for those that nuff up themselves and go past the title thinking is suss and I ruin the movie for them, oh well... such is life.